Northern Ireland

DUP urged to return to Executive as hospital declares 'major incident' amid continuing pressures on health service

Concerns raised amid growing winter pressures on health service
Concerns raised amid growing winter pressures on health service

INTENSE pressures on the health service were laid bare last night after the north's biggest health trust appealed for help from both "registered and unregistered" nurses.

The social media call by Belfast trust followed a 'major incident' at Antrim Area Hospital on Saturday night where staff overcome by the workload were forced to close to new admissions.

Sinn Féin MLA Declan Kearney described the situation as "deeply concerning" and blamed the deteriorating situation on the DUP blocking a return to the Stormont Executive.

In a statement yesterday the Northern trust said the move on Saturday resulted from a "disproportionately high" number of critically ill patients arriving in quick succession.

A decision was made by a senior consultant that the department could no longer operate safely or respond appropriately if more patients arrived.

"As such, a major incident was declared. Temporary closure of the emergency department allowed the situation to be managed and controlled in a safe manner," a trust spokesperson said.

"This was a regrettable position to be in, but in the circumstances it was the only safe and appropriate response."

The spokesperson said the trust has "warned for some time" that an emergency department closure at one or more hospitals could occur due to high demand.

Yesterday the Belfast trust issued warnings that its hospitals were facing "ongoing and relentless pressures".

On Twitter it appealed to families to make plans to take patients "who no longer need hospital care" home to prevent bed blocking.

It also urged parents to attend the Children's Hospital "only...if your child has a serious medical emergency"

The mounting pressure further prompted a call by the trust for any available nursing staff to come in to work saying: "We are under extreme pressure as we care for an increasing number of sick patients."

South Antrim Sinn Féin MLA Declan Kearney said:

"This latest incident in our hospitals is deeply concerning with pressures increasing as we move into winter," he said.

"Our health service and staff are under huge stress because of a decade of Tory cuts and underinvestment, and the DUP’s blockade of the Executive.

Health service staff and patients need an Executive up and running, to put £1bn extra investment into health, to tackle waiting lists, recruit more doctors and nurses, and fund cancer and mental health services."