Northern Ireland

Councillor asks council to provide umbrellas for elected members

Councillor Sean McPeake requests umbrellas for members ahead of the winter.
Councillor Sean McPeake requests umbrellas for members ahead of the winter.

A councillor has urged his local authority to provide new umbrellas for members ahead of the winter.

Sinn Féin's Sean McPeake raised the issue during a committee meeting at Mid Ulster District Council.

Mr McPeake asked if officers could find the funds within the local authority’s budget.

“We were out at Davagh the other day and there was a real torrential downpour throughout the proceedings,” he told the committee.

“I am just wondering, I know we got them three or four years ago, but would it be possible to get new umbrellas for councillors?

“There is a new cadre of members on board this mandate and I am wondering if we can go back and refresh our stock of umbrellas.

“I think now coming into the winter months if we have to go outside for activities and site meetings, it would be very useful. I will declare an interest as I have an umbrella with a broken strut so I will be seeking one if they do come about.”

Committee’s chair Cora Corry noted how members could have used umbrellas in recent days, before the Chief Executive Adrian McCreesh confirmed officers “will sort that out”.