Northern Ireland

Arlene Foster speaks out against proposals for a retirement age for peers

Dame Arlene Foster has said she does not agree peers should face a mandatory retirement age. Picture: Liam McBurney/PA Wire
Dame Arlene Foster has said she does not agree peers should face a mandatory retirement age. Picture: Liam McBurney/PA Wire

Former Stormont first minister Arlene Foster has said she does not agree that reform of the UK House of Lords should include a mandatory retirement age for peers.

Baroness Foster spoke out against forcing the retirement of older Lords members in an interview with the Daily Telegraph.

UK Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer is considering a package of reforms for Westminster's upper house if his party wins next year's General Election.

It is understood that the plans include scrapping by-elections for hereditary peers as part of a wider overhaul of the House of Lords, that could include shrinking its size.

It was reported last year that Mr Starmer wished to scrap the House of Lords in favor of a new elected chamber in order to "restore trust" following a series of Conservative peerage appointments.

The Labour leader has since said his party will make more appointments to the Lords if it takes power next year, in order to get legislation through parliament.

Read more:

  • Labour to u-turn on plans to abolish Lords in first term – report
  • Johnson resignation honours ‘brought into question' Lords appointments process
  • Baroness Foster of Aghadrumsee takes place among peers

Former DUP leader Ms Foster took her seat last year as Baroness Foster of Aghadrumsee.

She currently presents a weekly current affairs programme on right-wing TV channel GB News.

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, she gave her thoughts on the issue of reforming the chamber.

"I believe the Lords provides a valuable function in scrutinising legislation – often in a more detailed way than in the other place," she said.

"Yes, institutions need to evolve, but I disagree with those who say there should be a retirement age – the other day I was talking to a female peer of 87 who was every bit as sprightly as me."