Northern Ireland

Footage of Stephen Nolan and later convicted sex offender Stephen Bear in explicit exchange remains on social media

Stephen Nolan and Stephen Bear, a former reality TV personality, pose together on Nolan Live on BBC One in 2016
Stephen Nolan and Stephen Bear, a former reality TV personality, pose together on Nolan Live on BBC One in 2016

Footage of Stephen Nolan speaking in a sexually suggestive way with the later imprisoned reality television personality Stephen Bear remains on the BBC presenter's social media account. 

The video, filmed and posted after Bear appeared on Nolan Live in 2016, has the pair talking about penises, including in front of another BBC employee. 

Bear is serving a 22-month prison sentence after being convicted earlier this year of "revenge porn" after sharing sexually explicit material featuring his former girlfriend. 

The Irish News in August revealed that prior to his appearance on Nolan Live, the BBC presenter sent sexually explicit images of Bear to co-workers.

The BBC, in a document, said that following a complaint "appropriate action" was taken over the sending of the images. The BBC did not detail what action was taken, describing the information as private. 

Stephen Bear was jailed for sharing the video without his former girlfriend Georgia Harrison’s consent (PA)
Stephen Bear was jailed for sharing the video without his former girlfriend Georgia Harrison’s consent (PA)

However, it can now be revealed that Nolan shared other sexually explicit messages with co-workers around the time of the appearance of Bear, including making reference to one particular member of staff. The messages are so offensive the Irish News has taken the decision not to reproduce them here.

The BBC was made aware of these messages, which are described in a bullying and harassment complaint by the member of staff as a “deliberate attempt to undermine and embarrass me…encouraging other team members to join in”. 

Read More:Stephen Nolan sent sexually explicit images to work colleagues, not only "long-term friend and peer outside of work"

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A BBC spokesperson said: “We have well-established and robust processes in place to deal with workplace-related issues, concerns and complaints.

"These processes are applied fairly and consistently. They are also, of necessity, confidential – something that protects the rights and legitimate privacy expectations of everyone involved.

“Stephen Nolan’s statement on 18 August has been widely available and reported. It addressed the substantive complaint that had been made against him by a BBC colleague.

“Stephen has apologised for his behaviour in 2016 and was right to do so. His exchanges were inappropriate.

“We cannot comment further on the specifics of this case, which was thoroughly investigated at the time, including about who else may have seen the exchanges.”

Following the publication in The Irish News of details of the complaint against Mr Nolan in August, the presenter said: "I can say one thing, though, and it is that I am sorry. There was a photograph, it was widely available on the internet and I was talking to a long-term friend and peer outside of work. I am deeply sorry."   

He sent the images and texts to a number co-workers and, in a follow-up message, added: "If I don’t get Bear tomorrow night, I’m sending more Bear photos.” 

Some who worked with Mr Nolan said there were instances of him being sexually suggestive during work. Two separate sources, who did not work with each other, spoke to The Irish News on these issues. 

BBC presenter Stephen Nolan's shows
BBC presenter Stephen Nolan's shows

One source said: “You would feel very uncomfortable when he would talk about sex ... When you have chat like that on-air or off-air you just have to grin and bear it. 

“That was the culture that existed off-air but I can’t think of any other programme where sexualised conversations, often dismissed or accepted as ‘banter’, would exist to such a level, and certainly not in the BBC." 

Another source, who worked on the show at an entirely different time, added:  “There were rude jokes, mostly by Stephen, but others would join in too. I would have thought it would be inappropriate in any workplace." 

The video, which remains accessible on Nolan's Facebook page, shows footage of Nolan, Bear and another staff member. This was immediately following Bear’s appearance on Nolan Live. 

Among other comments, Nolan and Bear joke about the size of the latter’s penis, with the presenter adding the conversation will get him sacked from the BBC.