
Plans for new greenway in Derry submitted to council

Upgrades to a playing field also part of the planning application on lands between Heron Way and Clooney Park West

Waterside Greenway
Waterside Greenway proposals

Plans for a new greenway in the Waterside have been submitted to Derry City and Strabane District Council.

A recently-submitted planning application seeks permission for construction of a three metre wide greenway “finished in hot rolled asphalt with associated drainage, lighting and soft landscaping” at the council-managed playing fields on lands between Heron Way and Clooney Park West.

Plans also include upgrades to the existing playing field to “meet IFA intermediate standard” including a perimeter fence, ball stop, changing room and 27 car parking spaces.

In a consultation response, Environmental Health Services noted there were no objections to proposed development, but said specific “informatives” should be provided during development.

“The proposal is located in close proximity to nearby residential properties,” the response added. “Should planning permission be granted the applicant should be advised to ensure that adequate steps are taken during the construction of the development to control noise and dust.

“The developer should ensure all flood lighting associated with the development is optically controlled to minimise pollution from glare and light spill, potentially affecting nearby residential property.”