
Sinn Féin comfortably retain Newry and Armagh seat with record vote share

Dáire Hughes takes 22,299 votes for his first ever electoral victory

Newry and Armagh new MP,, Daire Hughes. (Philip Magowan/Phil Magowan / Press Eye)

Sinn Féin held the Newry and Armagh seat at a canter with Dáire Hughes comfortably elected on a majority of 15,493.

It marked a remarkable turnaround in electoral fortunes for the 34-year-old party worker, who lost out in the Newry, Mourne and Down council election just 10 years ago.

In truth, Sinn Féin was never in danger of relinquishing the seat it has held since Conor Murphy wrestled it away from the SDLP in 2005.

Who has been elected in Northern Ireland? Full results from Westminster election.

Since then, the party has never dropped below 40% in Westminster polls in the constituency.

Dáire Hughes has expanded the party’s vote with his 22,299 votes representing a record 48.5% share for Sinn Féin in Newry and Armagh.

The DUP, SDLP, Alliance, UUP and Aontú all saw their vote fall in the constituency from the 2019 general election.

The TUV’s decision to contest the seat appeared to come at the expense of the DUP, with Keith Radcliffe’s 4,099 votes taking a sizeable chunk out of the 11,000 votes the DUP’s William Irwin won in 2019.

DUP candidate Gareth Wilson finished the 2024 poll with just 5,900 votes.

Dáire Hughes, who went on to serve as the youngest and last mayor of the old Newry and Mourne council after he was co-opted in 2014, has since worked for Sinn Féin in Europe as a political manager and is also the party’s deputy general secretary.

“This election was about endorsing strong leadership and positive change,” he said.

“The people of Newry and Armagh have done just that.

“They have voted for decisions about their future to be made here at home in Ireland, they have voted to support better funding for public services.

“We are committed to working hard for all.

He added: “I will work with our all-Ireland team of councillors, MLAs, TDs and MEPs to deliver for Newry and Armagh.”

“To help us reach our economic, cultural and social potential. To support better funding for public services and to reject British government cuts and to support a new and united Ireland.

“I am determined to build a better future for everyone who lives in Newry and Armagh and I am determined to be an MP for all.”

The new MP also paid tribute to Mickey Brady, who held the seat since 2015.

“Mickey’s lifetime of service to the community and hard work as an MP has helped laid the foundations for the base of our political support,” said Mr Hughes.


Dáire Hughes (SF) – 22,299

Peter Byrne (SDLP) - 6,806

Gareth Wilson (DUP) - 5,900

Keith Radcliffe (TUV) - 4,099

Sam Nicholson (UUP) - 3,175

Helena Young (Alliance) - 2,692

Liam Reichenberg (Aontú) - 888

Samantha Rayner (Conservative) - 83