
Translink gives non-committal response to Belfast City Council request for Irish language signs at new Grand Central Station

The transport body has said it is “engaging with all relevant communities”

A plan for the new Belfast Grand Central Station (Translink/PA)
Construction at Belfast Grand Central Station almost complete (Translink/PA)

Translink has said it is “engaging with all relevant communities” after a request by Belfast City Council for Irish language signs to be placed at the new Grand Central Station and surrounding Weavers Cross area.

Translink gave a non-committal reply to a letter from the council urging the transport company to install bilingual signage at the new station and wider area.

At a city hall committee meeting in April, elected representatives by a majority vote approved a Sinn Féin motion supporting the proposal for the station which is still under development.

Last month the council received a reply from Group Chief Executive of Translink, Chris Conway. The letter states: “Translink acknowledges the motion, and we further acknowledge the importance placed on matters of language by all sections of the community.

“It is important we reach out to engage with all relevant communities and stakeholders. We are currently planning a series of meetings with a range of interested parties during the coming weeks, where we will listen carefully to all viewpoints, and will consider a response once this process has completed.”

The new world-class integrated transport hub, set on an extended site beyond the old Great Victoria Street bus and train station, is rapidly progressing through the last stages of final construction. It is due to be completed towards the end of 2024, with full project completion, including all public realm upgrades, expected in the third quarter of 2025.

In 2022 Belfast City Council’s Planning Committee unanimously approved “outline” permission for the Weaver’s Cross regeneration development plan, on lands freed up by the future closure of the existing Europa Bus Station and Great Victoria Street train station.

A mixed-use development will be located to the east and west of Durham Street, south of Grosvenor Road, stretching as far as Sandy Row, and involves new office space, residential apartments and a hotel. It is also planned to provide new public realm space, active travel, hospitality and community uses.

Around a fifth of this space has been proposed for housing, with a fifth of the residential space set aside for social/affordable housing.

The council received 14 letters of support and 143 letters of objection to the Weavers Cross development, including an objection from the County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast. The majority of the objections related to the removal of the Boyne Bridge and introduction of new pedestrian crosses associated with the Belfast Grand Central Station plan.