Pensioners stage protest against winter fuel cuts at Labour conference

Retired members of the Unite union criticised the Chancellor’s decision to cut the payment, saying ‘the poorest among us will die this winter’.

Pensioners protested against the Chancellor’s decision to cut the Winter Fuel Payment
Pensioners protested against the Chancellor’s decision to cut the Winter Fuel Payment (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

Pensioners staged a protest outside Labour’s annual conference on Monday to criticise the government’s controversial plans to cut winter fuel allowance.

Retired members of the Unite union held up banners reading: “Freeze profits not people”, and “Defend the winter fuel payment”.

Unite has criticised a decision to switch a debate on the winter fuel allowance from Monday to the final day of the conference on Wednesday.

Unite will call for the decision to be reversed and expects strong support from other unions.

Unite member and branch secretary for Manchester Retired Members Bill Moores, said: “I’m worried about the pensioners who desperately need the Winter Fuel Allowance but will only just be missing out. They will have to make the decision between heating their home or eating.”

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Unite member John McPherson from Manchester “There are too many people who need the Winter Fuel Allowance – you can’t just take it off them like that. When Keir Starmer said we need to make tough choices, they should tax his freebies instead.

“These politicians are living in luxury, and we aren’t. The government needs to remember that there are 13 million pensioners, and we have a vote – and we will use it.”

Unite member Stephen Rennie from Manchester, said: “The Winter Fuel Allowance needs to be reinstated because the poorest among us are literally going to die this winter.

“The problem with means testing is that it makes people ashamed to claim what they’re entitled to. Make it universal, and if you want to reclaim it from people like Richard Branson, do that through tax.”

Unite retired members chairman Tommy Campbell from Aberdeen said: “We’re here to tell the Labour government that their decision to cut the allowance is wrong and it needs to be restored.

“Pensioners are very worried about this winter. It’s not just about the heating; it’s about the eating as well. Our state pension is one of the lowest in the world.

“We shouldn’t be treating pensioners in this way. We need to tax the rich. There are a lot of companies making money in the UK which don’t pay their taxes – if we need to make tough choices, be tough on them.”

Unite retired member Joyce Still said: “Labour is supposed to be a socialist party – they shouldn’t be attacking one of the most vulnerable groups in society.

“There are many pensioners who will be dying this winter because of this decision.”