
Vacant Co Armagh factory to be replaced with major housing development under proposals

As many as 33 detached and 16 semi-detached dwellings would be built on the site if planning application is approved

C2433509 Housing Tandragee
C2433509 Housing Tandragee (Francois Vincent)

A planning application has been lodged for a major housing development at 10 Old Gilford Road, Tandragee, in lieu of a former industrial operation.

The proposal is for the demolition of the vacant factory and associated buildings, and erection of a residential development comprising 49 units – 33 detached and 16 semi-detached dwellings.

The planning application also includes solar panels, garages, communal amenity space, landscaping, associated site works with access from the Old Gilford Road, a pedestrian link to the existing pathway to Madden Road, and a bus lay-by at Madden Road.

The site is adjacent to Woodview Park. The plans were submitted by Donaldson Planning, High Street, Holywood, on behalf of Hilmark Homes Ltd, Church Road, Portadown.

If approved, the housing development will be built on the site of former textiles firm Reid (Braids), which closed in 2004.

The Historic Environment Division (HED) of the Department for Communities have determined that the plans, as currently submitted, would have an adverse impact on nearby Orange Hill, in Gilford Street, a listed building of special architectural interest.

The original building dates back to approximately 1750 and is believed to have been the hunting lodge for the Duke of Manchester.

HED Archaeology & Built Heritage (HED: HB) determined the following: “HED: HB consider the proposal will have an adverse impact on the setting of the listed Orange Hill House due to the proposed use of unsympathetic materials.

“The listed house finished in a smooth render sits on a prominent corner directly facing the application site, and will be intervisible with the proposed dwellings.

“HED: HB would request that the dwellings proposed make use of traditional or sympathetic building materials and techniques which respect those found on the listed building.”