CHRISTMAS is not an easy time for everyone. Well, probably for most of us actually...
The busyness of it all, concentrated family time and other social occasions, coupled with reminders of absent loved ones can often make the season a bit difficult to navigate.
We smile, yet underneath we can sometimes be at breaking point.
So how can we connect with the "great joy... that is... for everyone", the wonderful news that the angels announced to the shepherds that we find in Luke's gospel?
That declaration announced a saviour for everyone and, obviously, that includes those who know they need to be rescued.
People just like us, who are far from perfect and struggle. But our great joy is that Jesus accepts ordinary, broken people, and that at the cross our sin is forgiven.
Christmas speaks powerfully of hope in a world where pessimism and despondency abound.
When we encounter the God of Christmas, we know we are loved and can claim his unspeakable joy.
This Christmas I'm going to enjoy God - will you join me?
Rt Rev Dr William Henry
Moderator, Presbyterian Church in Ireland