
Letter: Oireachtas intent on eradicating everything that makes us Irish

‘We have an Oireachtas that has members so dumb and speechless that they acquiesce to every anti–family, anti–child, anti–free speech, anti–human and anti–Irish policy that they can dig up’

Roderic O’Gorman, Simon Harris and Micheal Martin in September
The Irish government is led by Green, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil leaders Roderic O’Gorman, Simon Harris and Micheál Martin (Clodagh Kilcoyne/PA)

It is unconscionable that a majority of elected TDs and appointed Senators would drive Ireland into the dark ages with legislation on ‘hate speech’, unrestricted abortion, the active destruction of childhood by genderism, and now the ultimate low, of proposals sanctioning the killing of the elderly and those who may have lost the will to live.

In the pursuit of wealth, progressiveness and compliance, Ireland has an Oireachtas that has lost all moral and ethical compass, and all sense of decency.

We cannot ignore the breakneck speed at which this coalition government, and leaders, are seeking to silence and bully the voter by pushing through antagonistic and repressive legislation in advance of the upcoming general election.

Representatives, party leaders, and the government do not listen to the voters, do not debate, do not vote, and most importantly ignore, dismantle and set aside Ireland’s (the people’s) constitution at every turn and opportunity.

We have an Oireachtas that has members so dumb and speechless that they acquiesce to every anti–family, anti–child, anti–free speech, anti–human and anti–Irish policy that they can dig up.

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The intent is to drive into law an agenda that will eradicate everything that makes us Irish. Good men and women are to be silenced when they don’t buy into the unquestioned narrative of the agenda being pushed in the mainstream media by the government.

In the dying weeks of this government, we have witnessed the championing of the killing of the elderly, the innocence of children being targeted with gender ideology, and an attempt to criminalise freedom of speech.

We have the opportunity of a ballot box revolution in a few weeks’ time. TDs and government will seek our vote to govern. It is impossible to separate the kind of government we get from the mark we make on our ballot paper.

If we want accountability, it is no longer about who we are voting for but what we are voting for.

Dr Joe Kelly, Falcarragh, Co Donegal

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