I wish to reply to a letter by Sean Seeley headlined ‘Orange Order and Catholic exclusion must be left in the past where it belongs’ (September 24). I do so in order to offer a balanced view, which the article has not. While that expressed view might be a typical nationalist viewpoint, I would remind your readership that there is another view, equally as valid and arguably more accurate.
I am a member of the Loyal Orange Institution, under the Grand Lodge of England. I refute specific points Mr Seeley mentions.
He says the Orange ‘Order’ – as he terms it – is discriminatory. I beg to differ. He overlooks the fact that Orangeism is a significant part of the culture of the people of Northern Ireland, which is a separate jurisdiction to the Irish Republic (that being the whole argument of Irish nationalists). The ‘six counties’ are not ‘the north’. That would be Donegal and Monaghan and other border counties.
One of the reasons why their forebearers refused to be deprived of their British citizenship over a century ago was precisely because of the view that they should be Irish only and not British, which they did not share. It is also the guarantee that Northern Ireland will, in all likelihood, remain a part of the union which they cherish to this day.
The allegation that the institution is discriminatory also falls when it is recalled that the Loyal Orange Institution is a world-wide fraternity with lodges as far afield as the Canadian prairies and native villages in west Africa. As to ‘Catholic exclusion’, one might ponder on how many Methodists there are in the Roman Catholic Church? Not many I’ll warrant.
The Catholics had their ribbon men, which was an exclusively Catholic organisation, and now have the ‘Ancient Order of Hibernians’ and I for one have no issue with that. They’re doing ‘their thing’ just as we’re doing ‘our thing’. Distinction is not discrimination.

The Loyal Orange Institution is a fraternal organisation which includes both men and women of any colour or ethnicity and which is a Protestant Trinitarian Christian organisation. We do not generally accept Catholics to membership because they believe something different to us, which surely is fair enough. However, were a Catholic to have a change of heart and become a true and practising Protestant, we would consider their wish to join.
The Orange Institution parade as a demonstration of our fraternity, our determined protection of our right to believe what Holy Scripture says and not to be compelled to belief by Rome. We would encourage people of all persuasions to enjoy our parades and the flute band music which usually accompanies them.
As to reference to the Roman pope as the anti-Christ, we take that from Holy Scripture. Specifically the foreword in the King James version, and associated translations. This is a reasonable interpretation of relevant passages in the Book of Revelations of St John the Divine. If you don’t believe me look for yourself.
It needs be said that we do not wish Catholics, or anyone else, any harm. We simply wish to express ourselves in our traditional, patriotic way. You will find Orangemen banging big drums during our parades. You will not find them wielding pistols or wearing black berets or masks, as some other traditions do. Let us live and let live.
I hope you will see fit to publish my letter as a balance of viewpoint. My views are those some of your readership may disagree with, and that’s fine in a free society. I have no issue with that.
Andrew Landriani, LOL 848 Sussex Crown Defenders, United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland