
Whether president or pope, the law of God applies to everyone

The comments of Tom Collins in his article ‘In thrall to Trump, US bishops go rogue’ (July 1) are disgraceful and offensive.

The decision of the majority of America’s bishops to issue a document on ‘Eucharistic cohesion’ (a phrase of Pope Francis himself), has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the integrity of the Catholic Faith.

A public figure who professes to be Catholic, whilst stridently promoting and advocating for abortion, should not present himself or herself for Holy Communion. If he or she does, the priest must refuse to administer the sacrament.

Pope Benedict (then Cardinal Ratzinger) made this clear to the American bishops in 2004.

The 2013 Aparacida Document of the Argentinian bishops, of which Pope Francis, (then Cardinal Bergoglio), was principal author, states: “We must adhere to ‘Eucharistic coherence,’ that is, be conscious that they [public figures] cannot receive Holy Communion and at the same time act with deeds or words against the commandments, particularly when abortion, euthanasia and other grave acts against life and family are encouraged. This responsibility weighs particularly over legislators, heads of governments and health professionals”.

Every Catholic, from the pope across, must be in the state of grace to receive Holy Communion. This is found in Sacred Scripture (1 Corinthians 11:27-29). Publicly promoting abortion is irreconcilable with being a faithful Catholic. Those who do so have put themselves outside the communion of the faithful, no matter how much he or she claims to be ‘devout’.

Those who receive Holy Communion with unrepented sin upon their souls are putting their immortal souls in grave peril. This is the teaching of the Catholic Church since apostolic times. It is the grave responsibility of bishops and priests, to uphold and teach the truth, to insist upon it “in season and out of season, welcome or unwelcome” (2 Timothy 4:2).

We will be accountable to Christ at our judgement if we have been negligent or cowardly. The Word of God applies to all without exception – whether you be the President of the US or the pope.


Belfast BT12

Pious Joe

Joe Biden is probably the most pious Catholic and American president in generations, yet he has just received from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops a Christian Brothers’ type beating because he believes in a woman’s right to choose. US Catholic bishops have put themselves on a potential collision course with President Biden after voting to commission a teaching document expected to say that Catholics who diverge from the Church’s standpoint on abortion (or more accurately, a woman’s right to choose) should be denied Holy Communion. For Joe this would be devastating; for me, I have never understood it anyway.

It is of no surprise to me an institution that is misogynist at its core, patriarchal in its structure, conservative and backward looking in character, continues to believe that they, a group largely made up of old, celibate, entitled white males can still exert control and  pontificate on the right of a woman to make choices about her body.

The is the same institution that miserably, or some would say criminally, failed to expose the rampant child abuse within the Church. An institution that still cannot get its head fully around gay marriage or unions.

Just to add, it took to 2011 for Pope Benedict to personally exonerate Jews for the killing of Christ. This exoneration came 45 years after the Catholic Church officially repudiated the idea of collective Jewish guilt for Christ’s death, in a major document by the Second Vatican Council in 1965. Note, this was 20 years after the end of the Holocaust.

I can hear it already – ‘He is criticising the Catholic Faith’. I am not, I am criticising the institution, just as if I criticise the Israeli government that does not make me anti-semitic. I can hear another cry – this guy supports abortion. I will vigorously defend a woman’s right to make that choice.

This brings me to the realisation that parts of the Catholic Church in the US seem to be looking more like the lunatic fringe of the Republican Christian Right.

They should focus and advocate on issues of racial justice, income and wealth inequality, voting rights, voter suppression, healthcare, mass shootings, gun control and the erosion of democratic norms that is happening in your ‘body’  politic.


Belfast BT8

Doomsday clock

Recently the atomic scientists have moved the hands on the doomsday clock to 100 seconds from midnight - the nearest it has ever been to human annihilation which puts our climate change and pandemic worries into perspective.

Are we sleepwalking into another war?

Not when, but where; Western navies will soon be facing off with Russia in the Black Sea, off the disputed coast off Crimea.

In 1783 when Britain ruled the waves and was ‘teaching the world the three ‘Rs’ – this is ours, that’s ours and here’s ours’ – and the US was, metaphorically speaking, still in nappies/diapers – Catherine the Great of Russia, chased out of Crimea the Turks and the Tatars.

They were enslaving the Crimeans for the ruthless Ottoman Empire and Russia has occupied Crimea ever since, defending it against the French/British - The Crimean War, the Charge of the Light Brigade and also the Nazis – which cost innumerable lives.

Bojo’s destroyer was testing the ‘waters’ and he got his reply – Russia will defend Crimea at all costs.


Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim

Imperial power

Paul Roche writes that ‘Scotland and Wales have a bloodline to the English crown. Ireland does not’ (June 28).

In fact Queen Elizabeth is descended from Brian Boru, on her mother’s side. Aoife MacMorrough (who married Strongbow in 1170) is another ancestor. Some Irish News readers might have stayed in Trabolgan holiday village in Cork. Back in the 18th century it was the home of Princess Diana’s great, great grandfather, Edmund Burke Roche.

The current Duchess of Cambridge has links to the Norman Fitzmaurice family in Kerry.

Having said that, all nationalists agree with Mr Roche’s assertion that “Unionists were made a gift of part of Ulster by the imperial power” in 1921.


Friars Walk, Co Cork