
'Point prove a point in controversial win over Kilcoo

Down SFC round two: Warrenpoint 0-10 Kilcoo 0-9

WARRENPOINT claimed a dramatic and hugely controversial victory over Kilcoo in a game that suggested any side in Down will do well to stop these two facing again down the line.

Referee Paul Faloon was already unpopular with Kilcoo after a series of decisions during the course of the game before he blew the game up a minute short of time.

It appeared to be partly an error in not accounting for the second half water break, but even taking that aside it meant no injury time, which was hard to explain.

Certainly it took away from Warrenpoint’s victory through none of their own doing. Their performance was organised and efficient, and when they look at how they controlled the controllables, they’ll be delighted.

Yet by half-time, the Kilcoo siege mentality was ready to kick in. Conor Laverty and Aidan Branagan raged at the referee at that point, almost needing restrained at the short whistle, and their complaints were not without foundation.

By the end of the game, club chairman Terry O’Hanlon’s rapid footwork kept distance between his clubmen and the officials, with whom their rage was, while never justified, somewhat understandable.

Warrenpoint’s frees came an awful lot easier for most of what was a pacy, entertaining and physical game, without ever being fluid or particularly open.

And what the systems didn’t dictate, some of the individual defensive performances did. Ryan McAleenan was superb on Jerome Johnston, Patrick Murdock on Paul Devlin (until he went off injured) and Adam Lynch had literal grips on Conor Laverty to keep Warrenpoint stout.

At the other end, Niall Branagan controlled his battle with Ross McGarry, Aaron Branagan dominated Darragh McAleenan and Daryl Branagan gave Alan Davidson no time or space.

When both sides had their match-ups so well worked out, it was a game probably glad of the conditions. The slippery pitch made for the odd mistake and a few fouls that kept the scoreboard ticking.

It was out of an error that the game seemed to take a vital swing before the break. Warrenpoint had a great second quarter, hitting four points unanswered after the water break to lead by 0-7 to 0-4.

Their sixth point came when they got the error their endeavor to squeeze Kilcoo’s risky kickouts deserved. The ball skidded away from Aidan Branagan and his brother Niall had to take a black card to stop Aaron Magee getting in on goal.

But the build-up of calls against them sparked something different in the champions. They were aided by the timing, that half-time allowed them to regroup after the excellent Eugene Branagan’s rousing score had cut their arrears to two.

Their sense of injustice was released in the opening minutes of the half, with Jerome Johnston’s fresh vim the most notable individual impact as they hit three straight scores with a man less to lead again.

Even the decisions looked to be turning, with Miceal Rooney getting off with a clear foul in the build-up to Conor Laverty’s score that made it 0-8 to 0-7 for the Magpies.

Their reorganised defence coped comfortably until Niall Branagan returned, by which stage tempers were up on both sides.

Dylan Ward, drifting to full-forward, kicked a brilliant score to push Kilcoo 0-9 to 0-8 ahead with 18 minutes to play, but by the time the next score came, he was back on the sideline after he too was black carded.

His tackle was borderline incidental but it was definitely needless, right in front of the stand almost on halfway. As players from both sides tangled on the ground, Niall McCartan kept his head to equalise.

And then Patrick Murdock stepped up to fire over a stunning winner off the outside of his right boot, but even it was clouded by the ref’s decision to over-rule his linesman and turn a line ball Warrenpoint’s way in the build-up.

There was certainly no sense that this was anything other than full-tilt championship, but mentally St Peter’s were more in need of the victory.

The fact they got it only whets the appetite for more. Kilcoo will feel a grave injustice over the defeat, but at least it wasn’t knockout.

If and when that does come to pass, you best not miss it.


Kilcoo: N Kane (0-1 free); N Branagan, Aaron Branagan; N McEvoy; M Rooney, D Branagan, E Branagan (0-2); R McEvoy, Aidan Branagan; C Doherty, J Johnston (0-2, 0-1 free), S Johnston, R Johnston, P Devlin (0-2, 0-1 free), C Laverty (0-1)

Subs: D Ward (0-1) for Devlin (28)

Black cards: N Branagan (28), D Ward (50)

Warrenpoint: G McMahon; P Murdock (0-2), A Lynch; R McAleenan, R McCormack, Cormac McCartan (0-1), R Boyle; Ciaran McCartan (0-2), J Boyle; R Magee, A Davidson, A Magee, N McCartan (0-1); R McGarry (0-4 frees), D McAleenan

Subs: R Mallon for McCormack (37), J Grant for Magee (48)

Referee: P Faloon (Drumgath)