
Looking back on the ups and downs of 2022 - and looking forward to 2023

Former Tyrone star Sean Cavanagh made a cameo second half appearance for his club Moy against Edendork in the Tyrone Division 1/2 relegation/promotion play-off.
Former Tyrone star Sean Cavanagh made a cameo second half appearance for his club Moy against Edendork in the Tyrone Division 1/2 relegation/promotion play-off.

It's that time of the year again, reminiscing of experiences and life lessons, good and bad, throughout the year, and looking forward to a new year and a fresh start for many.

Every year will be one person's best and someone else's worst with all the ebbs and flows in the meantime but this year for me has been one of immense personal growth and development. I made a pledge at the beginning of the year to read more books, put screens away in the evenings and put my all into developing Inspired.

I am proud to say I have implemented new routines into daily training and have greatly benefited from trying new things. If someone would have told be in January that I would look forward to sea swimming regardless of the weather or that I would be able to separate work and home life as clearly, I definitely wouldn't have believed you.

Looking back over 2022 there has been plenty to discuss…

January marked the start of a new year and new start with ambitious plans made. The first experience of the GAA season being reshuffled and the National League starting at the end of January.

Starting the year on the back of all-Ireland success there was a lot of pressure on Tyrone to retain their status and perform to the same level. There were also however, a lot of resignations and retirements from the County setup within Tyrone and the rumour mill went into overdrive about unrest in the camp. I still believe that the lads who stepped away were doing so in order to gain a better life balance, they had reached the pinnacle within the GAA by having their All-Ireland medals and the chances of being able to retain the title were slim from the offset. I would imagine that not one of them regrets their decision either, many have got married, bought houses, set up businesses and simply don't have the time to commit to the County game. It will be interesting to see how the team reconnect and go again in 2023 after a disappointing 2022 season.

In July in was great to see David Clifford and the Kerry team getting the All-Ireland title they richly deserved. The Kerry team is bursting with talent and will be worth watching again in the new year. Their All-Ireland final opponents Galway were perhaps the surprise package of the Championship but were very worthy of their place in the final and they will be aiming to get one step further next year.

I think the Ulster Championship remains the most competitively fought province by a long way. The Anglo Celt could go to any number of teams and games are always competitive and usually won by the finest of margins. We have a lot of talented sportspeople in Ulster so hopefully our Championship will be as exciting in 2023 as it has been in 2022.

We didn't give the dust long to settle on the All-Ireland series before the Club Championship kicked in to full swing. As always there were some shock results and some very one-sided results. From the Moy's point of view we were disappointed we couldn't see out a potential 'shock' result against Errigal Ciaran but when Errigal showed their quality and strength in depth, it was hard to hold on.

Galbally were worthy winners of the Intermediate Championship and continue to proudly represent Tyrone in the All-Ireland Club series. They are a young team with immense potential so it is great to see them continue to perform at the highest level. I want to wish them all the best for their Semi-Final on Saturday.

Tyrone also have great representation in the Junior Club Championship with Stewartstown battling hard and continuing to get the results they deserve. They have some excellent talent within their squad and I also want to wish them the very best for their Semi-Final on Saturday.

For both teams it is a once in a lifetime experience, they need to go into it with quiet confidence and rest assured that they have prepped the very best they could have. They are set up to be two great games.

I couldn't look back over 2022 without a mention for Mr Ronaldo. Where he will be in 2023 I'm not sure but it will be interesting to see if he makes it to the Euros in summer 2023 as a player with Portugal or have we already saw the last of him representing his country? I think he still adds value to a squad, his commitment, determination and effort will be very difficult to be matched at either club or European level.

Looking forward to the New Year I am excited to see what 2023 has in store. My plans for the year are very simple, take each day as it comes. Our health is our wealth and sometimes we have to take a step back in order to move forward so it will hopefully be a year of progress both professionally and in the sporting world, I am committed to the Moy club and hoping we can turn around a disappointing season this year, we have learned lots and we have plenty left to give.

Wishing you all a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year, and thank you for everything in 2022.