

LEGENDS OF THE FALLS: Falls BC officials and players from `Legends and Stars of the Future' pictured at the `100 ends for 100 years' event at Fruithill bowling club. The occasion was organised last year to mark the centenary of the Private Greens League and players representing all the PGL clubs also took part. Tonight Fruithill plays host an international event at their Andersonstown Road, Belfast base
LEGENDS OF THE FALLS: Falls BC officials and players from `Legends and Stars of the Future' pictured at the `100 ends for 100 years' event at Fruithill bowling club. The occasion was organised last year to mark the centenary of the Private Greens League and players representing all the PGL clubs also took part. Tonight Fruithill plays host an international event at their Andersonstown Road, Belfast base

Falls Bowling and Tennis Club will stage a unique event this evening at their west Belfast headquarters.

For the first time ever 24 Norwegian bowlers will take to the Falls green to face the hosts at their Fruithill, Andersonstown Road, Belfast base.

The visitors are members of the Stavanger club which has a membership of more than 50 and play on an outdoor matted green laid by their local council.

Stavanger, a coastal town twinned with Houston and Aberdeen, is known as Norway's 'Oil City' for its importance in oil exploration in the North Sea since the 1970s.

While Norwegian bowlers have been advancing rapidly on the short mat scene today's outing on grass will be very much part of a learning curve for the visitors.

Because of league commitments no senior Falls players will be taking part but a large number of club members are willing to play their part.

Falls stalwart Pat Butler said: "This is certainly an historic occasion and we're very much looking forward to it.

"We have hosted other international fixtures in the past and there will be a very warm welcome for our Norwegian visitors."

Among those attending will be former Fruithill tennis player, Michael Ewings, who is the Norwegian Consul for Northern Ireland.

The Irish Bowling Association will be represented by its vice-president David McCloy.

Former Private Greens president, who now serves on the General Purposes Committee will also be in attendance.

Play will get under way at 5.30pm and finish at 7.30pm followed by a meal and cultural evening in the clubhouse.

Meanwhile, the Private Greens finished top of the pile in the Senior Inter-association series at the weekend.

The 2012 winners finished 2.5 points ahead of defending champions the Provincial Towns.

The Northern Ireland Bowling Association took third spot one shot ahead of the Bowling League of Ireland.

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