Lanark Way
What is a peace wall? An explainer
The peace walls in Northern Ireland are a series of physical structures that separate predominantly Irish republican, nationalist Catholic neighbourhoods from predominantly British loyalist, unionist Protestant neighbourhoods.
Cross-community carol service at west Belfast flashpoint interface
A CROSS-community carol service will take place beside interface gates less than a mile from where violent scenes have been playing out at another peace barrier.
Community workers maintain presence at west Belfast interface following trouble in the area
COMMUNITY workers last night maintained a presence near a west Belfast interface following a previous night of trouble in the area.
Avoid anger, choose grace
PEOPLE get angry and frustrated and then often say or do foolish, destructive things, writes Rev Andrew Watson.
Retired boxer Carl Frampton calls for 'united voice' from politicans in a bid to ease loyalist unrest
Retired north Belfast boxer Carl Frampton has called for money to be "pumped" into working class areas in a bid to ease ongoing tensions following scenes of civil unrest.
Violence in west Belfast as loyalist protests resume
LOYALIST protests resumed across Northern Ireland last night, with disturbances breaking out in west Belfast.
Fionnuala O Connor: After the riots, unionist mealy-mouthed condemnation doubled back to ritual Sinn Féin bashing
It was not war reporting.
Clergy walk in solidarity through parts of Belfast impacted by violence
CLERGY from the four main churches in Northern Ireland yesterday walked in solidarity through parts of Belfast impacted by recent violence.
Powerful community leadership contrasts with sinister sectarianism
THE disorder which erupted in Belfast this week has been described by police as the worst seen anywhere in the north for some time.