Full Moon
Perseid meteor shower to light up the night sky
It is expected to peak in the early hours of Saturday, and is caused by Earth slamming into the debris left behind by a comet.
Stargazers marvel at emerging pink supermoon in skies above UK
People have being grabbing cameras and smartphones to try and record the lunar light show
Pink supermoon graces skies over the UK
People can expect it to look up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter in the sky as it reaches its closest point to Earth.
White barn owls ‘startle prey with their plumage under a full moon’
Under a full moon, the birds’ plumage triggers their prey to freeze for a longer time, making it easier to catch, new research suggests.
Blood Moon 2018: All you need to know about this week’s lunar eclipse
It’s going to be a rare celestial event.
Rain and cloudy skies should not stop skygazers from seeing the blue moon
Meteorologist Alex Burkill advises not to give up hope, saying there should ‘be some clear breaks even amongst the showers’.
The Pink Moon: All you need to know about the astronomical phenomenon
Here’s why you should look up to the skies on April 11…