Sean Graham's bookies
Son of Sean Graham's victim speaks of hurt in community
THE son of a man shot dead at Sean Graham bookmaker's has spoken of the hurt felt in the community.
Confidence in policing structures badly damaged
The PSNI's record on community relations has gone through different stages since it was founded in 2001, but few periods have been more difficult and damaging than the last week.
Range of dilemmas facing Simon Byrne
Simon Byrne, the new chief constable of the PSNI, is a vastly experienced senior officer who has the enormous advantage of coming into his new post with the unanimous endorsement of the Policing Board.
Relatives endure further pain over legacy structures
While many sharply differing views have been put forward on the best way to deal with the appalling legacy of The Troubles, there will be general agreement with the conclusion yesterday of the police ombudsman, Michael Maguire, that our present structures are simply not working.
Sean Graham's bookmakers victims to be remembered
RELATIVES and friends of five Catholic men killed in a loyalist gun attack on Sean Graham bookmakers in Belfast in 1992 will gather to mark the 25th anniversary of the atrocity this weekend.
Deep regret over premature death
There will be widespread regret over the premature death of Martin Magee, at the age of 43, just under 25 years after he lost his twin brother, Peter, in a loyalist attack on Sean Graham's bookmakers in south Belfast.